Sunday, October 24, 2010

Books, Books, Books

I love my books.  I've got about half a dozen fun reading books from the library right now.  The local library by the college allows college students who live on campus to have a library card, and it's awesome.  Despite that my workload, I've actually had time to read two of them all the way through - Backup by Jim Butcher and I Am Morgan le Fay by Nancy Springer.  The former is part of a series that I love - The Dresden Files, which is currently at a dozen books, plus an anthology of short stories that comes out two days from now.  I can't wait to read the one that's set after the latest book, Changes.  It's going to be awesome with the way the book ended...and since the working title and the summary has been released already, even though the book doesn't come out until the end of March.

Anyway.  I have four other books - Graceling by Kristin Cashore, which is a book I've wanted to read for a while after a friend of mine recommended it, Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb, which are the middle and final books of the Farseer Trilogy.  I've read the first one (Assassin's Apprentice) and loved it, and I want to know what happens to the main character, so it's sort of important to actually read the end...  For me it is, at least.

The last book I have is a Robin McKinley novel - she's a favorite of mine, particularly with The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword - Outlaws of Sherwood, which is a Robin Hood book.  And since I'm on a Robin Hood kick as well as an Arthurian Legends kick, I figured I'd like to read that one.

And that's it for those books...Now I just have to read all of them before they're due...

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