Thursday, September 30, 2010

Off Topic

Okay, so I'm going to go totally off topic tonight and talk about Merlin, the BBC tv show. 

It is amazing. I love the acting in this, even if some of the things they do are a little annoying (such as the fact that I've been told Morgana turns evil, even though she's not really even inclined toward that where I am right now, in the middle of the second season. 

Mind you, my best friend has watched most of the second season already.  She doesn't provide me with spoilers, but she's irritated that Morgana is one of my two favorite characters - the other is Arthur.  And go figure, I like Arthur and Morgana together.  In this particular version, though I've heard some that say that she's Arthur's sister, she is King Uther's ward.  Her father was killed in Uther's service, and he was Uther's closest friend before his death. 

I happen to like Arthur/Morgana still, though they've toned a lot of hints of that down in the second season so far, unfortunately.  I also like Gwen/Lancelot...and Merlin with no one, really...maybe Freya, but I'm not really sure at the moment to be honest.  And she seems like a character of the day.  And the last time I liked a character of the day as the romance of a main character, she died.  Great, right?

So, I have to say, the first season of Merlin was amazing.  The second season is almost as good, but not quite.  They really did find some great actors and actresses to play characters of the day recurring characters.  Like Morgaus, who apparently shows up in season three...I wouldn't know, since I'm only in season two, and there are only like three episodes of that released and online so far.

I like having people put it up, though, when it's only aired in Britain.  It's nice to be able to actually watch it...

And now I'm going to go back to rooting for Arthur/Morgana in the episode I'm watching...

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