Saturday, September 25, 2010

King/Queen of the Hill....or Bench

I have to say, today has been awesome. 

Mom and Grandma came up today with my little sister to have lunch with me.  I miss them so much and it was so great to see them.  We went to Chili's, which is my most recent favorite restaurant.  Their Cajun Pasta is amazing.

Lunch was awesome, and not because of the food.  I also gave Grandma a tour around the campus, which I apparently did well on.  That's good, I suppose.  I also found out that I got a package when I was showing them one of the buildings.  They put these blue slip/notecard-like things in our mailboxes when we get packages, only the one that I got was SO not there yesterday.  That might have had something to do with the fact that I checked at like ten o'clock in the morning...but it does say that the package arrived on the twenty-third, which was Thursday.  Whatever, though.  I just have to wait until Monday.  Fun, fun, fun.

Did I mention that I cut my finger on a string a few days ago?  Brilliant, right?  Only I would do that.

After Mama, Grandma, and my sister left (which was really sad and not fun seeing them leave), I ended up finishing the last episode of this BBC series I've been watching, which is called Sherlock.  It's an amazing show, that's for sure. The guy who plays Sherlock Holmes is amazing - he is to Sherlock what Christopher Eccleston is to Doctor Who.  Meaning he's perfect for the part, and his acting is simply amazing.  Mind you, the only reason I'm comparing them is that Christopher Eccleston is my favorite Doctor.  Probably always will be (I love Nine (Eccleston), though I haven't seen a whole lot of Ten - David Tennant - or Eleven - Will Smith, I think the guy's name was). 

I digress.  Sherlock is amazing.  I'm not thrilled by some of the references in it, but it's great otherwise.  Sherlock is brilliant - he has the most amazing sense of deduction, and he noticed almost every minuscule detail.  He calls himself a 'high-functioning sociopath' (in the first episode) but I'm not really sure that fit, to be honest.  Not that it really matters.

Now I'm back to finishing up Season 2 of Merlin so that I can watch Season 3, which has just started coming out in England, and my last Netflix DVD, which has been sitting in my desk (yes, in my desk) for almost the whole month I've been here.  Great, right?

I ended up doing History homework with Tank, and then we went to have dinner at the BBC (which is our cafe, not to be confused with the television station) with Armadillo.  That was fun.

And then we watched another movie (Howl's Moving Castle, which is one of my all-time favorites.  Armadillo had never seen it, and he liked it, so we're happy about that).  Then Tank and I ended up watching Armadillo play various video games that he kept changing because he got tired of one or another.  That's him for you, though. 

We ended up going outside after that - I had to go put the DVD back in my room first, and when I walked outside, Armadillo and Tank were having a mini-war over the bench and trying to keep each other off of it for the heck of it.  I joined in and it became an all-out war. Tank and I won.  It was so much fun!  And it was great exercise, and none of us could stop laughing.  It was seriously great.

And I got to talk to my best friend amidst this - that was a great talk.  I miss her a lot, too...

And I'm off to bed now that I've updated this, as I need to get up and get ready for church at a reasonable time tomorrow morning.  I've already got my outfit picked out.  Yay.

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