Monday, September 20, 2010


A warning, this post is bound to be a bit shallow.  And possibly filled with a few spoilers.

My favorite show on TV right now is the one about a mystery writer and a homicide detective - Richard Castle and Kate Beckett, respectively.  The show is now in its third season as of tonight's premier, and it is phenominal. 

I've been told that it's like Bones, only better.  I don't like Bones, though. Too much gore.  Castle, however, is perfect.  It's a whole lot cleaner for one, and there's usually not a whole lot of actual gore.

Tonight's episode was amazing.  I'd seen the first eight minutes on the preview ABC released a while ago, and I loved it.  But, it left it at a double cliffhanger.  So, I had to wait until tonight to actually see the rest of the show.  It was worth the wait, that's for sure.  Three months of waiting after screaming at the television during the live broadcast of the season finale was worth it.  Except for the part where (spoiler) Castle is in a relationship. 

Me being me, I'm a Caskett (Castle/Beckett) fan and I want them to get together, though it would probably end the series, from what I've been told.  Either way, it was a great episode, and I hope I wasn't too spoilery. 

I do find it funny, however, that Beckett's frustration with Castle is that he won't go away for the longest time, and when he's gone, she misses him desperately.  Interesting, really...

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