Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sometimes, I Don't Know Why I Bother

A pet peeve of mine: people who pronounce words incorrectly.  Example: the silent g in gyros. It's not said with a hard g.  It's silent.  It's also not jyros.  The first and last letters are both silent.  They make no noise.  Saying that, like saying coupon or data wrong, sounds very uneducated.  And, to me, it sounds absolutely idiotic as well as uncultured.  Will anyone listen to this?  No.  Example number one?  My roommate, who happens to be Ukrainian.  Would anyone be proud of me for pointing this out?  I can think of at least one person who would be - my video teacher for my speech class in high school.

This is me being weird, I realize.  It's like me being a grammar nazi, which I do happen to be.  My only problem with that, unlike this, is commas.  I, at least, try my hardest to pronounce things correctly, as I also try to put the commas where they are supposed to go and try not to put them where they do not go. 

I think I've changed my mind.  Forget Japanese.  I'm going to learn Gaelic or Welsh if I can.  Or both.  That would be better.

Mini-rant over.  Now, to go finish my book...

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