Monday, February 21, 2011

Lightbringer and Brent Weeks

I'm a red magic drafter!

Take the quiz at Brent

Red luxin is sticky, gooey, and extremely flammable. Reds often work with sub-reds or with mundane tools to make fire bombs. Their skills are used to catastrophic effect in war. Reds are quick tempered, lusty, and love destruction.
The results from your color matching test have also shown that you are one of the elite, a superchromat. The magic you do will almost never fail. Satrapies will compete to recruit you, and you will have a wide latitude in what work you choose to do once you finish your studies. You can expect your patron to lavish praise and honors on you. As a monochrome, you will master your color, and only have to defer to bichromes and polychromes and, of course, the nobility and the satraps who support us all.

Magic in the Black Prism

When a candle burns, a physical substance (wax) is transformed into light. Chromaturgy in The Black Prism is the inverse:  A drafter transforms light into a physical substance (luxin). Each different color of luxin has its own strength, weight, and even smell: blue luxin is hard, red is gooey, yellow is liquid, etc. But even as drafters change the world, the luxin changes them too, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The color change of a drafter's eyes is only the beginning…
 So, I'm in the middle of The Black Prism by Brent Weeks.  I've adored this author for about...two years now.  He's a brilliant writer and his magic system for the Lightbringer Series is absolutely amazing.  I love his books.  The Night Angel Trilogy  is what got me started on his books.  Most specifically...I was cover shopping...again...that has actually gotten me pretty far, though many people don't recommend it.  The red smoke over the stark white background on the cover of the second one (Shadow's Edge) caught my eye and I was led to The Way of Shadows, which is one of my most favorite books every.

I can't sing high enough praise for Brent Weeks - he's an amazing writer, really.  You just have to be able to stomach grit, darkness, and swearing to read The Night Angel Trilogy.  The Lightbringer Series looks as though it will be very good, too. I'm off to get back to work...and my book...

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