Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Full Day on Campus

If yesterday wasn't crazy enough, today has been crazier.  Seeing as I didn't go to bed until late last night, I'm really tired.  I got up at 6:30 this morning after about five and a half hours of sleep or so.  And it's about seventeen hours later, now, and I know I'm going to crash soon. 

Most of today - or, at least, this morning - was taken up by the freshman forum class thing I have to take.  We had two small groups sessions, and one large group session.  That took until 2:30, and then I was off with my parents and sister, hanging out with them for the afternoon before they head home.  Mind, that's not until tomorrow after church, but I won't see them before they leave, so I'm really rather sad.

Then my dad and I went to a pre-season pro football game.  Our team stinks (despite being a Pro Bowl quarterback, ours threw two interceptions.  And then he was sacked like three - or more - times.  Our former rookie star punt returner has turned into Mr. Butterfingers, and it was just sort of sad after a while.) but it was really fun, and it was a great way to spend time with my dad before they went back home. 

I don't get to see them for almost three weeks, which, other than the South Dakota trip I went on this summer, is the longest I've ever been away from them at one time.  Actually, the South Dakota trip was only like two weeks, and then I was home for a day.  Not so much this time. 

I'll be okay...I sort of have to be. 

Also, I've hit my head on the metal bar on the bunk above me twice since I got back tonight.  This could be a problem...

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