Thursday, December 23, 2010

Long Time...

In my attempts to get all of my work done on time, it seems that I allowed my blog to fall by the wayside.  Obviously, I didn't mean to.  It was just crazy for the last month of the semester.  I had so much to do with all of the classwork that I didn't really have a whole lot of time for much else. 

I've been on break for about a week now, but I'm just getting over the nasty cold that hit me a week ago.  I got sick on the fifteenth, right before my last final.  I had a fever and my throat was very swollen and it was not fun.  Thank goodness that my English final was simply editing groups for the research paper we did as our final project.  Mine was on Star Wars and how it is the Hero's Journey (as presented by Joseph Campbell in The Hero With A Thousand Faces) and how that makes it very appealing to the people who watch it.

And then I lost my voice on Sunday.  I've still got a cough, but my voice is mostly back at this point.  It's just sort of irritating, though.  Not much I can do about it.  I'm just glad that it's over, even if I'm not happy that it's taken away a week of my vacation.  I only have about two weeks left at this point.  As a freshman, I have to go back two weeks early for Interim.  Not cool.  But, I get to do research with the Ecology prof at my school, so I may start that during Interim - we're going to be researching bat calls and the different kinds of bats in the area.  It will be very interesting, I'm sure. 

I've also got my schedule worked out for the next semester, and I'm excited.  The only thing is that I have Arthurian Legends (which is actually one of the classes I'm taking) on the brain....

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